13 May 2024

New Leadership at Akademie der Künste

Invitation to the Press Conference with the New President and Vice-President of the Akademie der Künste

Monday, 27 May 2024, 11 am
Akademie der Künste, Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin
Please register in advance: presse@adk.de

The Akademie der Künste’s 62nd Members’ General Assembly takes place in Berlin on 24‒25 May 2024. Members’ sessions are not open to the public. This spring assembly concludes with the election of Akademie’s new executive leaders. After nine years in office, the filmmaker Jeanine Meerapfel and the writer Kathrin Röggla are stepping down from their posts as president and vice-president. Following the Akademie’s Statutes, a fourth term has not been sought.

Akademie members elect the new president and vice-president by secret ballot for a three-year term. Theoretically, any of the 407 current members are eligible for candidacy. On Monday, 27 May 2024, beginning at 11 am, the newly-elected officeholders will introduce themselves in a press conference at the Akademie building at Pariser Platz.

The directors of the Akademie der Künste’s six Art Sections are also elected at the Members’ General Assembly for the next three years ‒ a director and deputy director to represent each Section. Together with the president and vice-president, these Section heads form the Akademie Senate, the institution’s governing and decision-making body. All of these posts are honorary positions. In addition to elections for Akademie offices, admitting new members is another agenda item.

In the context of the Members’ General Assembly, the theatre guest performance Underground Birds by the KULA Compagnie with performers from the Simorgh Theater in Herat, Afghanistan, takes place on Saturday, 25 May, at 7:30 pm. The performance at the Hanseatenweg venue is one of the current events accompanying the exhibition programme UTOPIA. Keep on Moving, which explores the nature of political, social and artistic utopias.

Information and tickets: adk.de/utopia

Press Contact

Anette Schmitt, schmitt@adk.de, presse@adk.de, Tel. +49 (0)30 200 57-1509/-1514